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Welcome to "Ask the Expert"

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:02 pm
by Admin
Aussie Equine Supplies is proud to introduce Warren Ives as resident Expert and our guy on the ground in NZ. :D

Warren has been involved in Equestrian Sport for over 35 years, as a competitor, administrator and educator. Warren is:
- an Equestrian Sport NZ Development Coach and coach educator,
- National Show Jumping Course Designer, and
- currently Vice Chairman of Wellington Show Jumping.

Passionate about equestrian sport in all disciplines would be an understatement, coaching all levels from beginner through to Grand Prix, he is with his riders every stride of the way regardless of what level they are competing at or at what discipline, show jumping, dressage or eventing.

Warren knows all to well what it takes to succeed in this sport and if you were to ask him what he thinks is the recipe for success and he will probably respond with one of his one liners like “Manage what you put in and you can manage what comes out “ or “Happy horse on the inside makes for happy horse on the outside”.

Coming onboard with Aussie Equine Supplies was a no brainer for him. To join a team that shares the same passions as he does was really simple. Passion, quality products and good service breeds great success.